What I Speak is What I Am!

What I Speak is What I Am!

How important is integrity to you? It is at the center of life as a believer in Christ; and your words are a direct revelation of who you are. Your character. Watch as Bishop Yates brings a message on how important integrity is, and how important it is that what we say matches what we...

Have Mercy!

Have Mercy!

Pastor Kelly Turner continues the Impact Series with the message ‘Have Mercy,’ about the mercy of God and his character to us.

To Make an Impact You Must be Impacted!

To Make an Impact You Must be Impacted!

Have you ever been impacted by the Holy Spirit in your Christian walk? Do you believe you can be? You can! The Holy Spirit can be experienced by ANY believer. Learn how you can experience this yourself, and be equipped to impact the lives of others!

Maturing in Faith

Maturing in Faith

The walk of faith we make as believers requires us to grow. We have to learn how to extend ourselves, forgive others and live more like Christ everyday. Follow along with Pastor Troy Taylor as he walks the word to teach us how to be better and more involved believers with our Christian brothers and...

Faith: Seeing the Way He Sees

Faith: Seeing the Way He Sees

To impact the world you have to have faith! If you have faith you can see the world and your situation like Christ sees it…like God sees it. Join Minister Damita Wright as she walks the Word & shares a message on how to activate your faith!

Giving God’s Way

Giving God’s Way

Bishop Yates continues the Impact Series with a message on giving You don’t have to give to the church out of fear or obligation! You can and must give out of obedience and faith! The blessings of the Lord are there for you, learn how to give God’s Way in freedom!

Tithing Truths Part 2

Tithing Truths Part 2

Bishop Yates continues his life changing message on biblical tithing and giving. You don’t want to miss this freeing sermon! Share with your friends and family!

Tithing Truths Part 1

Tithing Truths Part 1

Bishop Yates teaches an eye opening message on biblical tithing and giving! You don’t want to miss this freeing and challenging sermon. Check it out and share with your friends and family!

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