Gamechangers Men’s Conference

Gamechangers Men’s Conference

The men of Frontier Church, and the surrounding area had a time in the Lord at our first Game Changers Conference! Kingdom awareness and responsibility were the take aways, from the theme, ‘I Am a King.’ Check out these awesome messages for our speakers! #Gamechangers #Men #Kings Speakers: Bishop Ronald Kimble – The Life Center...

I Am a King!

I Am a King!

Bishop Cotto of Casa Hope Inc. was kind enough to join us for our first Gamechangers Men’s Conference. His message iss a call to action for believing men to come into the awareness of their kingship through Christ. A truly timely message, you don’t want to miss this! #BishopSamCotto #GamechangersConference #Sermons

We Need More Johnathans

We Need More Johnathans

The kickoff message of Frontier Church’s 1st Gamechangers Conference is an unforgettable message by Bishop Ronald Kimble of The Life Center Church of Eatonville, FL. Bishop Kimble’s message challenges men to know who and where they are called to serve; and reveals the powerful and crucial example of the friendship between King David and King...