Join us as Scott Stewart brings us a great lesson from Proverbs 17.

Our amazing bible study! Join us every Wednesday to learn more than you EVER have before!
Join us as Scott Stewart brings us a great lesson from Proverbs 17.
Join us as we dig deeper into the book of Proverbs. Bishop Steven Yates continues our series coming from Proverbs...
Join us for an amazing lesson from Troy and Kelly Turner in Proverbs 16.
Join us as our own resident Teacher, Minister Damita Wright teaches us Proverbs 15. You do not want to miss...
Join us as Bishop Steve Yates teaches us from Proverbs 14.
Join us as Bishop Yates teaches Proverbs 14.
Join us as Minister Brian Wall teaches on Proverbs 14.
Join us as Minister Dayla Graham teaches walks us through Proverbs 13 and expounds on the importance of discipline.
Join us as John and Amy Guarino teach us Proverbs 12.
The book of Proverbs is a book full of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Join us as our resident teacher, Minister...
Join us as Kelly and Troy Turner continue teaching from the Book of Proverbs! God has something to teach you...
Join us as our own Troy and Kelly Turner teach us about doing what is right no matter what.
Proverbs 8 – 9 displays what hospitality looks like and what is does not look like. Wisdom and Folly both...
Join us as Minister Brian Wall walks us through Proverbs 8:20-24. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
Join us as Bishop Yates walks us through Proverbs 8:8-13. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
Join us as Minister Damita Wright walks us through Proverbs 9. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
Join us for Bible Encounter as Bishop Steven Yates teaches us more about the spirit and matter. It’s a ride...
In this lesson in the book of Proverbs we learn that we must have wisdom in all things as we...
In this lesson in the book of Proverbs we learn that its not whether you are strong, it’s the fact...
Join us for Bible Encounter as we go deeper into the book of Proverbs as we continue in Proverbs 7.
Join us for Bible Encounter as we go deeper into the book of Proverbs.
Join us as Bishop Yates teaches about Proverbs 5. It will knock you out with the realty of engaging with...
Join us in Proverbs 4 as Minister Damita Wright teaches us about writing the Word in our hearts.
Join us as Minister Derrel Graham teaches on Proverbs 4 as we continue going deeper into the book of Proverbs!
Open up your Bibles and go to Proverbs 4:5-7 and lets go on a the adventure that is Proverbs. Bishop...
Join us in Proverbs 3:35 – 1:1-4 as we learn the inheritance of the wise.
Join us in our dynamic Bible Encounter as we continue in the Book of Proverbs series. Tonight, we learn why...
Join us as Bishop Yates continues in the book of Proverbs series for Bible Encounter. This powerful lesson of learning...
Join us in Proverbs 3 and James 1 as we learn how priceless wisdom is.
Join us as we learn how the Lord respects the person who honors the Lord with his substance.