We are continuing digging deep into our confernece with our guest speaker Pastor Tom Stonecipher and Ileana Stonecipher as they...

We are continuing digging deep into our confernece with our guest speaker Pastor Tom Stonecipher and Ileana Stonecipher as they...
Join us as John and Amy Guarino teach us Proverbs 12.
In this series, Crossroads: What Do You Do When Doing the Right Thing Doesn’t Appeal to You? we learn about...
The book of Proverbs is a book full of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Join us as our resident teacher, Minister...
This year is the year of new life! Today, God moved in miraculous ways through His people. Join us and...
Join us as Kelly and Troy Turner continue teaching from the Book of Proverbs! God has something to teach you...
Join us as Bishop Yates teaches that love is not transactional but one way. Absalom disease is real and none...
Join us as our own Troy and Kelly Turner teach us about doing what is right no matter what.
Behind every season there is purpose that will always turn out for good to those to love the Lord and...
Proverbs 8 – 9 displays what hospitality looks like and what is does not look like. Wisdom and Folly both...
Have you been bypassing your training? Have you wondered if there is really a plan over you life? Do you...
Join us as Minister Brian Wall walks us through Proverbs 8:20-24. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
This year is the year of new life! Jesus came to serve, not to be served. As believers we should...
Join us as Bishop Yates walks us through Proverbs 8:8-13. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
This year is the year of new life! Are you living a life that serves others or yourself? Have you...
Join us as Minister Damita Wright walks us through Proverbs 9. You do not want to miss this amazing teaching.
Jesus is the ultimate example of a servant for all and serving on purpose. On this Easter Sunday we remember...
Join us for Bible Encounter as Bishop Steven Yates teaches us more about the spirit and matter. It’s a ride...
Join us as Frontier Church witnesses our leadership be ordained for the work of the church and Kingdom.
In this lesson in the book of Proverbs we learn that we must have wisdom in all things as we...
This year is the year of new life! Join us we learn together the importance of “Serving on Purpose” It...
This year is the year of new life! In this series, Running on Purpose, we have learned how to run...
In this lesson in the book of Proverbs we learn that its not whether you are strong, it’s the fact...
The teammates you need in your life displays the attributes of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. This message will...
Join us for Bible Encounter as we go deeper into the book of Proverbs as we continue in Proverbs 7.
This year is the year of new life! In this series, we learn how vital it is to run this...
Join us for Bible Encounter as we go deeper into the book of Proverbs.
This year is the year of new life! This race has purpose. Bishop Steven Yates and Pastor Paul Brown share...
This year is the year of new life! It’s time to run the race on purpose and stop allowing the...
Join us as Bishop Yates teaches about Proverbs 5. It will knock you out with the realty of engaging with...